John Michael Roberts, where the hell have you been? It's been years since I've heard from you? I've done email searches, everything, but you disappeared off the face of the earth. We all used to have so much fun together. Dave even moved back here and I discovered that he's really slimy and annoying and I have no use for him. Wish it was you that moved back.
Where did you go? Did you end up in California? I called the numbers you gave me, three weeks after your last phone call and nothing, you'd disappeared. Why? I still remember the night you came to New Paltz just to hang while I did laundry. I remember the night I locked you out of my dorm cause I was off making out with some guy named Andy and you had to sleep in your car in the health center parking lot and we never went to bed, just headed for the trainstation and went to NYC. How I taught you sign language and he walked from one end of Manhattan to the other. I remember all the naps I took on the Hudsonian couch. The night of Sierra's birthday at Foley's, you massaging the back of my head while Vicky "made out" with some guy at the bar.
Of all of my friends who have fallen out of my life over the years, I miss you the most. I just wish I knew you were alive and well.