Give him a shot of Irish Whiskey!! Of course. My cousin Jamie and I enjoy shots of Jameson Whiskey. It has led to many interesting nights. I am sad. Jamie, her husband Matt and their little guy, Riley are moving to North Carolina in a week. I will miss her terribly. We are family because our grandfathers were brothers, but something else made us best friends. Email opened the lines of communication while we were in college. Hair of the Dog gave us somewhere to enjoy life. Because of Jamie, I made some of my closest friends since I was a kid: Mike, Jen & Paul. They became my security blanket and no matter where I moved, coming home was always fun because of them. Jamie and I met Frank McCourt together... and oh my God.. oh my God!!! Kevin Spacey! LOL We were groped by a Baldwin brother... We enjoyed fruity umbrella drinks at Yankee Stadium. She's the only person who understands while in the middle of Friendly's I can burst into tears while remembering my grandfather and it's okay. I only know of one time when we actually snapped at each other but it was 8 am and it was mostly Paul's fault anyway, so it doesn't really count. We know each other's lateness and actually schedule events accordingly. I don't really know if I would be the person I am today (good or bad) if it weren't for Jamie. She said the other night that she didn't count because she was family. I don't believe that. It makes her count even more.