So, 2008.... In February, we lost Uncle Jack. It was horrible. Even now, months later, I have to remind myself daily that he's gone. It's beyond my comprehension. I did a reading at the funeral. Had never done one before. Was happy I didn't throw up.
Went to Boston in March and got to celebrate my birthday with shots called Red Headed Sluts. They were yummy.
Got back from Boston and came down w/ the flu for my birthday. Not so fun. Headache, chills, fever. Was able to rally enough to go to Disney w/ my sister, however while there I got really sick. Fevers, sore throat, sores in my mouth. Everytime I tried to eat, it was like putting glass in my mouth. Went to the doctor as soon as I got back and they did a rapid strep test which came back negative, they said it was a virus and would just have to work itself out. That was Monday.... Wednesday they called and said my culture came back positive for Strep C. The internet reports that Strep C is rare in humans, common in birds, and killed a herd of Moose up in Canada. Fun. But they gave me drugs and I got better in a few days. So April pretty much sucked.
In May, my cousin asked me to do a reading @ his wedding Memorial Day weekend. I readily agreed. The wedding was great. The whole weekend was cool. I love hanging out w/ my little cousins (once removed). Got to see the Troy Boys and FINALLY got to see a show w/ them. And for a lot less money than the Elvis Costello/Police tix I got for SPAC. It was weird hanging out w/ my sister and the Charlie's crowd.
All in all things are going well. School is almost out. SPAC is starting. Stuff to look forward to.