Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Happiness is...

Watching the Red Sox win and having ESPN change the broadcast over to the Dodgers and in THAT moment, it's a close up of Robin Ventura. He had an RBI double in the first. And he's playing third. Imagine that!!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Big Comfy Couch

I got my new furniture. It's so comfy. It was so nice to come home after my fisrt day of work yesterday and just flop on it.

I just got home from dinner @ my friend Julie's. She and her husband used to be my neighbors. They were the first to abandon me @ 'the club'. They bought a house and had a new baby girl. She's too cute. Julie is the most amazing cook. She actually gets me to eat meat. Imagine that. I ate ribs and they were yummy.

Two days of work down. So far so good. I like having my own office. Things seem to be running smoothly, although chaotic. I thrive in chaos. I like being busy. Less time to think.

Now I need to go to sleep.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Still Here

A friend sent me this and I liked it, so I am posting the link here:

this is really nice:

I'll warn you it is related to 9-11. It's a nice tribute and appropriate at this anniversary of the event.

Thursday, September 09, 2004


Today was yoga with Lauren. For some reason, midway through class the instructor decided to start calling me Marci. Whatever. There is also a man in our class with a cochlear implant. I am surrounded.

I am having a dispute with my friend Rick about my baseball beliefs. I am sorry. I am a Yankees fan but I am not enjoying them this year. They are not fun this year. I am not into A-Rod. I am missing the players of 96, 98, 99 & 2000. It's so annoying. He's an A's fan and bitter b/c his team is losing.

I have been reading my friend's Blog. I find o out all the interesting news from him. My former home in exile flooded. Didn't think it r ained in hell. *sigh* I think it is time for me to go to bed. Tomorrow is Friday. Yeha!!! Rob also thinks that John Olerud is cool. I am surrounded by insanity.

Work has been good so far. I got my computer today. That was good. I can now email from work. Hehe... Productive, that's me.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Good Day

Whoohoo.. Ventura hit ANOTHER Grand Slam. He is tied for third all time with Willie McCovey and only behind Lou Gerhig (23) and Eddie Murray (19). Gotta love him.

Had a great first day at work. That's good, right? It's a start. Got an actual office. And I'm getting my own computer. Whoohoo!!! The kids don't come till Monday.

Had coffee with my former neighbor. THat was fun.

Came home to find that my furniture is in and I just have to call to set up delivery. I will have a couch!!! Yea!!!!

The only thing that could top this day is if the Red Sox win and so far it is looking good.

I should go to bed now while I am so far ahead.

Tomorrow is Yoga day. Yippee!!!

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Ventura's Pitching Debut Posted by Hello

Happy Birthday to me!!! Posted by Hello

Go Sox!!!

The Red Sox are making a comeback!! Whoohoo!! Yankees better watch out!

It is my last official day of summer. I spent an outrageous amount of money. Go me. I am not required to go to work tomorrow but seeing as how I have avoided the place and the people all summer I should go in. This year will be better. I will keep telling myself that and hope it is true.

I should be asleep but I just spent hours talking to my neighbor. It is good to have people living here that I can chat with all night.

I am amused by Rob and his John Olerud crusade. Give it up, dude I will never like the man. He is evil, like Jeff Kent and Frank Thomas. I saw Aaron Boone pinstripe jerseys on sale for $30 at the mall today. Made me laugh.

Hmmm.... my new school year resolution is to be more social. I want to email more frequently. I want to see my friends.

It's depressing that the days are getting short. It was dark by 8 pm today. I do so enjoy the day you get that extra hour of sleep back. It's like a holiday.

The Yankees are being babies about the Devil Rays missing the game today. They know they have to worry about the Sox winning so they want to win by forfeit. That's Bullshit. How funny is it that Kevin Brown broke his hand??? It's like the Yankees are slowly imploding. John Kruk wonders if it's because our pitching sucks so bad. We are afraid we won't beat them. I like a team that looks like they are having fun. The Yankees aren't that this year. So, Go Sox!!

Saturday, September 04, 2004


Well, summer is officially over for me. No more SPAC. We ended the season on Journey. They weren't bad. I didn't think I would make it on my last day. I was so sick last night. I was praying to either throw up or die. Neither is exactly fun. But I survived and even acquired a free t-shirt to show for it.
