Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Go Sox!!!

The Red Sox are making a comeback!! Whoohoo!! Yankees better watch out!

It is my last official day of summer. I spent an outrageous amount of money. Go me. I am not required to go to work tomorrow but seeing as how I have avoided the place and the people all summer I should go in. This year will be better. I will keep telling myself that and hope it is true.

I should be asleep but I just spent hours talking to my neighbor. It is good to have people living here that I can chat with all night.

I am amused by Rob and his John Olerud crusade. Give it up, dude I will never like the man. He is evil, like Jeff Kent and Frank Thomas. I saw Aaron Boone pinstripe jerseys on sale for $30 at the mall today. Made me laugh.

Hmmm.... my new school year resolution is to be more social. I want to email more frequently. I want to see my friends.

It's depressing that the days are getting short. It was dark by 8 pm today. I do so enjoy the day you get that extra hour of sleep back. It's like a holiday.

The Yankees are being babies about the Devil Rays missing the game today. They know they have to worry about the Sox winning so they want to win by forfeit. That's Bullshit. How funny is it that Kevin Brown broke his hand??? It's like the Yankees are slowly imploding. John Kruk wonders if it's because our pitching sucks so bad. We are afraid we won't beat them. I like a team that looks like they are having fun. The Yankees aren't that this year. So, Go Sox!!

1 comment:

R. D. said...

Come on...the man wears a helmet in the field. It's awesome. It's like he's a really crappy, low budget super hero...Helmet Man! How can you dislike Helmet Man? He fights for justice. Are you anti-justice? You'd probably love it if there were criminals running rampant through the streets. That's sickening.