Thursday, September 09, 2004


Today was yoga with Lauren. For some reason, midway through class the instructor decided to start calling me Marci. Whatever. There is also a man in our class with a cochlear implant. I am surrounded.

I am having a dispute with my friend Rick about my baseball beliefs. I am sorry. I am a Yankees fan but I am not enjoying them this year. They are not fun this year. I am not into A-Rod. I am missing the players of 96, 98, 99 & 2000. It's so annoying. He's an A's fan and bitter b/c his team is losing.

I have been reading my friend's Blog. I find o out all the interesting news from him. My former home in exile flooded. Didn't think it r ained in hell. *sigh* I think it is time for me to go to bed. Tomorrow is Friday. Yeha!!! Rob also thinks that John Olerud is cool. I am surrounded by insanity.

Work has been good so far. I got my computer today. That was good. I can now email from work. Hehe... Productive, that's me.

1 comment:

Ponine32 said...

baseball is good... you are...
anyway... I will devote an entire post to you and how you only dance with people you're attracted to.