Saturday, August 06, 2005

Literary Update

Okay... so... I finished Confederacy of Dunces. It was hysterical. Very easy to read and I actually laughed out loud in parts.

I finished the 4th Harry Potter last week and am halfway through #5. Yes, I know. I am behind the times, but 4 & 5 were just too big... I had to work up to them. 4 was really good. 5 I am still undecided about.

What else to update. I have heard from California boy. He sent me a post card from Utah. We've IMed twice and he's emailed me. Actual, relatively lng (for him anyway) emails. I have really been missing him the past couple days.

The "crush"... well... I have actually talked to him on the phone twice now. He couldn't attend the wedding, but surprisingly, he actually considered it. Odds are I will see him soon. Should be interesting.

Now... dear friend... about the dream and the email.... Odd to say the least. Why did it take so long for him to reply? Was he too seeking closure? I think you are better off now. I think you have the life you were meant to have. I hope you realize how lucky you are. As for the other one... the one I have spoke of for years. You are kidding yourself. There is more there, whether you chose to admit it or not. Not that anything will ever come of it. I think it is just one of those great relationships that we need to keep us alive. And if you ever wonder about the what ifs that come with that email... if things had not worked out between you two, most likely we wouldn't be the friends we are today. I hate that you live so far away. But you are the one person in my life that I talk to or email weekly and don't feel the regret of letting a friend slip away. I envy the life you have and I am glad you are one of my best friends for life.

Happy now???

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