Wednesday, April 27, 2005


LOL I have straight hair. It won't last but I got it all cut off and now it's straight. It's so weird.

I HATE A-Fraud. I don't care if he had 3 home runs last night including a grand slam last night and a solo shot tonight. I do not like him. He is not a Yankee to me. Sorry, Rob, but it's true.

I can't believe tomorrow is Thursday. This school year is flying by. I will be sad to see it end. I am enjoying the people I work with.

I started at SPAC this month. Pre-season isn't half as interesting as the regular season.

I hate Lauren. She will be @ Saturday's Yankees game sitting behind their dugout. She doesn't even like baseball.

I am going to Sunday's game. I will probably be sitting out in left field. I hate sitting out there.

I love Steve Finley. He's hot. He hit a homerun tonight. He looked better in Dodger blue.

Time for Alias.

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